Why settle for blanket advice?
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
We’re all regulating, poisonous cicadas, raising nervous systems can change you, nighttime healing
Watchdogs, possums, parents, schools, and boundaries
Don’t like someone, can’t change things, maybe releasing some of your own trauma can help…
A conversation is not always best…
Our “school” day…
The importance of recognizing a Double Loss for the impact of healing
Are you looking for an Individualized Education Plan, or an Individualized Healing Plan?
Neurodivergent? Can you conform? What accommodation and school is really for…
Revisiting how to interpret a suicide attempt through the lens of Human Design
Master Yan’s FIRE and BALANCE tracks, to reclaim time and energy, to get back on task
The outside helps us heal the inside (resolving migraine conflict)
Four part mind, multiple ways to assess and support the physical body
The problem with “I see your pain, and here’s my offer”…
Abandonment, secrecy, privacy, reflection, part of a system verses complete wholeness
Why would I go see Master Yan, Why would I work with Alahnnaa?
Kevin says... (and more)
We all have a narrative and we must be willing to change it as new information emerges
Life is hard and simple
Kids understand death, parallel lives, and that we are one
The First Path