Healing hip pain with unconditional love
Why settle for blanket advice?
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Sound familiar?
I wish everyone understood, that our “demons” just want to be our friends!
What is Conflict Therapy?
Prenatal Colour Light Therapy
What happens to our children before they are born, has a huge impact on their life, and we can help!
Free access to the documentary “Living the change”
We leave clues for ourselves, and our bodies remind us, when the time is right...
What is esogetic medicine?
You need to understand how your multidimensional bodies work!
Letting go of trauma
You need to address your “functional illness”, what does that mean?
The illusion of what it takes for spiritual evolution or health
What does it mean to be mainstream, low consciousness, 3D, and how is this reflected in covid stats?
We are ALL shadow boxing right now, and that’s not a bad thing!
Gain information from your OWN body!
Mudras prevent you from depleting your personal energy
Mama self-care!
Our 4yr old went to school today!
Are forcing your child to conform, because you feel you can not change the system?