Why settle for blanket advice?
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Life is hard and simple
Kids understand death, parallel lives, and that we are one
Geometry, Anatomy, and Life Sciences not taught in school
It’s all your Soul Contract
Continuing to make sense of the Heal-Y
Between love and fear lies freedom
The Great Reset is Internal
A bit of adult coloring…
Manifestation as form of con-troll, and what is our role in guiding children?
A clarion call, crystal children, and the event
Be in the world, but not of it
Weaving modalities to stop the constant fighting
We actually don’t transmute the school system…
Juno, Jupiter, Salacia, Varda, Hygeia, Justice - navigating structure (Saturn) and freedom (Uranus)
Ongoing review of The Event
We still have a lot of work to do to finish off 2021!
Roots and Wings and Doreen Virtue
A karmic lock, walking the path of the sage
These are important lessons...