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You might wonder “how exactly was my child injured by vack-seens?” - hint, he’s gifted

Writer's picture: Alahnnaa CampbellAlahnnaa Campbell

Then I went about my day, reading this book, with the following quotes:

While one might think that being "gifted" is a good thing, these quotes show how it can come with a lot of pain.

And you might say "how do you know being gifted came from being exposed to vack-seens?"

My son slept a lot after, each every time he was administered vack-seens. I didn't know then, but found out when my youngest pushed me to research why they wanted to give me a whooping cough vack-seen while pregnant with her, that sleeping a lot after receiving vack-seems is a sign of brain damage/inflammation.

Also, after his last round (at 18 months), his torso reacted, and then his face swelled, especially his lower lip, and I think around his eyes. I now know, from Esogetics, that issues with the lower lip, represents issues with the large intestine, and issues around the eyes represent issues with the kidneys.

Kidney issues are related to fear, large intestine issues are related to grief, and my son often says "he thinks he may be getting depressed". I know, from RestoreChi, that depression is related to the liver and detox issues. And the liver is also related to anger, growth, reaction to what was done to us, and the eyes.

In addition to obvious digestive and detox issues, my son also has sensory issues, which prevents him from eating healthy food and attending school regularly. This lack of good nutrition, has the potential to make physical puberty a lot harder for him.

Being "gifted" explains why he wanted to learn to read when he was preschool age, but I wanted to wait for the "experts" to teach him, because I was labeled as "dyslexic",

Unfortunately, he never found felt safety with my father or his teachers, so they could never teach him. He just ran to the bathroom and started avoiding school.

One night he said, while I was reading to him before bed, that it all just clicked for him on how to read. He woke the next morning, as someone who knew how to read. He was 9yrs old. He was so excited when he told me. I didn't realize this was abnormal, until now, when I am reading with his now 9yr old sister, who didn't suddenly discover she could read, because the school has been teaching her, for the past 2yrs. She continues to struggle.

I told the school, when they were concerned that my son was not learning to read (because the kindergarten books were insulting to his intelligence and dreadfully boring), that I would pull him from school and return him when he was able to read. They thought this was impossible, and that a child who can not read by the end of grade 2, would be doomed for the rest of their schooling. That's just because they rely on reading to not have to teach kids one on one, according to their interests and needs. I returned him to school in grade 5 and he's been doing just fine, other than the complaints in the quotes above.

He says he knows what I am going to say before I say it. And, if I say it, he gets annoyed, because he already knew what I was going to say, it's like being told twice. I feel his pain, literally, amplified, because of my Human Design.

In addition, as someone who was labeled dyslexic, I learned to predict what the next word would be, so that I didn't have to rely so much on reading, and was more just confirming that I was right. This resulted in me to enjoying authors who think more like me, over authors who provide details that I don't need. It helped me find my path. Intuition (how our body feels) is excellent guidance.

That said, one of the risk of being "gifted", is to never test if what we know is in fact correct, which prevents us from growing as much as we can, and this is where my son is at.

He's smart, but he could be smarter, if he would just be open to learning more. That said, according to Human Design, so long as he is making decisions using his unique inner authority, he should travel his fractal line well, and see what he is here to see.

I lost the majority of my mom-friends, when I realized I had to parent my son differently, and I started

It's hard for people to understand why you are making different choices for your kids. It's easier for them to just disown you, than to question if they are making a mistake too. Especially if what someone else is doing, is seen as more respectful of the child, and their unique needs. The answer to whether what you are doing (what works for you) is still ok, is probably yes. Our kids come to us, because of the choices we are going to make, as right for the experience they want to have, in order to grow, from a foundation that is either good or bad.

The link between the intestines (swollen lower lip), boys, autism, and vack-seems has also been shown, in that the em-em-are is a greater risk for black male children, who are under developed compared to other kids their age, and prone to having leaky gut, which means leaky brain. The adjuvants added to the vack-seen, to keep them from going bad and to force a bigger reaction from the immune system, get into the brain of these kids, and causes havoc/inflammation. The recommendation was to split the em-em-are into 3 doses, but they would never do that, because there is no risk to boys contracting ru-bell-ah, it's only a risk factor for pregnant women. If you seperate the em-em-are into one dose per condition, wise families would opt out of the R, and that wouldn't be good for the dr-ugh companies' bottom line. So, children, especially boys, with a family history of trauma (as is the case for many families of colour, but also many white familes, and certainly for my son, with his maternal grandfather born at gun point, and more), continue to be put at risk, and one of the "lucky" adaptations is to grow a rainforest mind (see quotes above).

I am grateful that my descriptions of my son, and also seeing what my son is naturally capable of in his art, lead this amazing gifted educator and mother of 3 gifted kids to identify him as "likely gifted".

She has guided me through what books to read, to find that I myself am "gifted" too. And, the more I read, the more I think giftedness is a response to generational and cultural trauma.

We adapt, with a rainforest mind, because we are afraid to prune any of our connections. Who knows what we might need, to keep ourselves safe. We grow more left brained or more right brained, wherever we can hide.

Unfortunately, puberty, of which we have several, every 3 years from birth, until physical puberty around age 12, then again at age 24 (according to Esogetics), and finally at menopause and andropause, are about pruning. Getting rid of what we have moved into automation, so we can grow a leaner meaner brain. And now we have all these horders (sacred to let anything go, because of what was done to them), who have trouble moving around their own brain...

Dr Daniel Siegel describes being left brained as associated with an avoidant attachment style (my parents weren't there, so I pretend I don't have any attachment needs), being right brained as associated with an ambivalent attachment style (my parents were there, but distracted, so my cup never fills) and having a dissociated brain as related to disorganized attachment (my parents were there, but I was afraid of them, so I approach and run, from everything that might make me feel safe).

People with disorganized or reactive (because I didn't get enough felt safety from my parents, I am desperate to form a connection with anyone else) attachment styles, trigger my youngest to drop into watchdog mode, because this poses a risk to her, being able to have full access to me, which she still needs.

Can you see how all of this is handed down the family line? Parents don't have the skills, so they can't pass them onto their kids.

There's nothing to do, but to make sense of where you are at, and find ways to understand, heal what you can, and move forward, as best you know how.

As the first quote above states "her relationship with her husband improved markedly after they both could acknowledge and appreciate their similarities as well as their differences".

This is what I do. I show people their Unique Psychology, so they can understand how they are the same, how they are different, and how they impact each other, so they can find more love, appreciation, respect, and support for one another.

I'm not going to go after the dr-ugh companies. Our family doctor already said "I'm not going to V your child until he learns to trust me again", he never has. We don't use mainstream medicine, unless we have to. None of my kids are interested in dr-ughs. We see alternative practitioners, but mostly, I treat them myself.

I also had a severe reaction to the mah-lair-re-ah vack-seen in my late 20s. I was already suffering from extreme social anxiety, with an incompetent psychotherapist, and difficulty in my relationships, when I took the vack-seen and fell into a major depression.

My masters' advisor confirmed, that this is exactly how it works. When the alostatic load becomes more than we can bare (by adding the immune challenge of the mah-lair-re-ah vack-seen, to my present high levels of stress), we fall into severe illness (like major depression), because the entire system/balance is broken. We were studying how chronic stress leads to physical/mental illness, we found it.

That said, I don't regret my experience. It was a gift to know exactly what mental illness feels like, as well as how to find me way out. My depression guided me to what was most important and away from what would have been a bad fit. I left academia, had a family, and started my own business, that serves others.

My depression was gone the minute my son was born. They say the first born detoxes their mom. My husband and I were first born too, so were my parents, and my maternal grandparents. We carry the "mother load", which we passed down to our son.

It will be alright. Life is always guiding us. And I'm here if you need me.

Reach out to if you think your child might be gifted too, they can definitely help.

I don't think mainstream schools are going to catch our kids, but if we can at least understand them, then they will at least have safe harbor, when they are home with us.



© 2025 by Alahnnaa Campbell.

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