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Writer's pictureAlahnnaa Campbell

Understanding the signs, so we know what to do…

Updated: Jul 22

I got this book:

...because this podcast:

...made it sound like each of the streams of overexcitability were actually one of the Soul Contract lessons.

However, reading the book has been somewhat disappointing (so I have put it down for now).

They did share this experiment:

...and a couple books about meeting basic needs but not much more, and how this can lead to failure to thrive and baby teeth not falling out, until more than just the basic needs are meet.

My son's teeth have been slow to come in and slow to fall out. Sometimes I feel like the wire monkey, offering milk (important information) but not comfort (the soft cloth). I think this is because some of the people I work with are very challenging. They don't really want to hear what I have to say, and I have nothing else to say. Maybe they think they are paying me for comfort (or if I were a "good" person, that is what I would provide), but that's not my job, unless they are engaging with the information.

DIGRESS: In fact, me not being the comfort they seek is part of the situation being the best teacher. I look to my youngest often, who some might say "needs to change if she wants to...". But, what she is doing works very well for her, where is the motivation to change? She wants people to go away when she is in the middle of something or has more pressing needs. I was/am like that too, maybe she gets it from me!

END DIGRESSION: I recognize that all this sounds very conditional, and this is why it is something I wrestle with. Should I be someone other than who I am, in order to meet what others want me to be?

The (beginning of the) book focuses a lot on the excess and channeling of energy, as if this is the determining factor for giftedness.

I'm a no motors projector by Human Design. I can not command energy at will, nor do I have excess to do whatever I want with (my energy is limited to what is right for me when it is the right time to do it, when I have all the information I need). My son and husband each have 3 of 4 motors defined, my youngest has no centers defined, and my middle has 2 of 4 motors defined. All of them can drive me crazy, as they make noise and move about, when I am looking for peace.

What bothers me about the book, is the clumsy (re)search, to build a theory about something that could be known and understood, if people would just be open to look up people's Unique Psychology.

Assuming everyone is the same, goes out the window, when you see how we all use the same building pieces, on or off, and in different combination, with all kinds of exceptions to the rule, to make up the experiences that we seek.

It is helpful (from this book) to normalize things we were told were wrong about us, or that we think are frustrating about others, so we can be more respectful, than what we received.

Something else that I have in common with the author is: he said he "enjoyed" the experience of having a heart attack (doing so lead him to receive a book on the psychospiritual reasons why we would have a heart attack). I also enjoyed what I was able to learn from having internal shingles, covid, a complete digestive obstruction, and a tooth die in my mouth, causing facial nerve pain. Of course, I was able to enjoy these things, because I was able to navigate my way out of them, without relying on mainstream medicine (other than to remove the dead tooth, with the pain killers required to go through that process). Each experience taught me a lot about the pathways in my body, that we usually cannot feel.

The author and I also have in common that our first line of work was missing something that we needed, to work with people in a deep way, heart to heart.

When I ask why I continue to attract a certain type of client, I am showed via Divine Healing:

I am drawing to me exactly the right people (7) to allow me to work through the upward pointing triangle of my Soul Contract (14-5: karmic relationships to learn more about myself, 8: setting healthy boundaries over which to receive and share).

A triangle in a circle is about completion, seeing something from multiple angles, but a tetrahedron has 4 sides, one is hidden, and, when embedded in the Flower of Life, all sides contain a full Star of David.

I am aware of 3 clients, each who brought me (back) an important concept, the 4th I'm still trying to figure out what it is that I have learned.

(Re)search keeps trying to fit everything back into the box, but what if you have the wrong box?

Another experience that allows for the dropping of the veil is perimenopause. I am grateful to have so many tools at my disposal, that I don't need to go for bioidentical hormones, or even test my hormones, which a book I am reading says "can be inaccurate anyways, just look at the age and the symptoms and likely, your assumptions are correct".

I've been able to use the following tools (from Esogetics, RestoreChi and life) to identify, navigate, clear, understand, and make use of this time, to know what I need to do, to maintain my health, as now I know what will break first, if I don't (if you want more specific directions or explanations, please ask):

That's the thing with overexcitabilities that can lead to mental health issues. We need to accept ourselves for sure, but we also need to be responsible and care for ourselves. We need to be willing to align our lives in ways that allows us to do what matters most. We need to forgive ourselves and understand others. It's not for everyone, some people have been hurt very badly and they have a lot of trouble stepping out and seeing another perspective, and maybe they should work with someone who helps them stay where they are at. Many people have created amazing things staying where they are at, and I don't want to rob the world of these things. It's ok not to like someone, as this book (I share this link, as I have never seen a book review included in PubMed before) shares, we can have a gut instinct, and it can be right.

Things are changing. Where I was totally onboard with no screens for kids:'s quite a lofty idea to get kids outside and to give them chores.

My kids have their own iPads (one has his own phone and laptop too). They use them to explore, expand, build, grow, channel their energy, as well as to entertain. They learn ways around the things they don't want to be exposed to. It's not perfect, but I wouldn't deny them access to this empowering tool, that is part of what they will need, to participate in our future. Of course, there is backlash when the iPad dies, and the energy that was going there, needs somewhere else to go.

I hope this helps. I hope that you listen to yourself, when your body says no, when your body says help, when your life says no, when your life says change. I am grateful for what I have access to, and I offer it to my clients, if this is something that they seek. None of us are free from our lessons, until we have learned them...

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