Today is the 2nd (of August), in Soul Contract lesson 2 is associated with the moon, and it’s also a Monday (Lundi, a lunar day).
Here is the common name I used for most of my life:

This is a screen shot from the mobile version for our affordable Soul Contract Calculator, that I hope will be released in a couple of weeks.
See all the 2s, it’s even one of my dominant energies. This is the main reason I changed my name. Carrying this many 2s (trauma) was too destabilizing for me. Thankfully I now have Divine Healing and Esogetic Medicine to clear the trauma stored in my body, emotions, and mind.
The second reason I changed my name, was: my son was more powerful than me. With this difference in power, I could not hold space for him, in a way that would make him feel safe, so I had to power up.
Such a blessing, all of this.
My son asked me the other day: why his dad is building this app for me and why I am not doing it myself. Then he took a look at the app, asked what it meant, and then told me: what I told him about himself, from what was calculated in the app, made sense for his unique experience of life.
This is what this app is for:
To support people to feel normal and seen, for their unique experience.
If you want to be notified when the mobile version is released, follow/subscribe here:
Thank you hubby for the build!