My previous article ( referred to “yesterday, when I finally went back to taking my Medical Medium supplements” and this article will start with the day before that, when I started listening to the Felt Safety podcast series (linked in the previous article).
As I was driving to my youngest’s alternative school and I was upset that the Power of the Crone podcast would not let me continue from where I left off via my phone. This is why I ended up listening to the Felt Safety series, instead. As I listened, I could relate to a lack of inside felt safety, because my focus on helping others and understanding perimenopause, to keep any cancer risk at bay, resulted in me not clearing fully my cough or sacroiliac situation yet. Given the state of my health and the risk to further injury, I didn’t feel good about having to spend the day away from home and out in the cold.
However, watching my youngest enjoy time with her friends, and experiencing that she is capable of attending school:
…and losing myself in the book I mentioned in my last article (Silent Spring), while sitting in my warm car, with my youngest not needing me for a full hour, I started to feel better, more inside felt safety.
This came crashing down, after writing yesterday’s article, and attending this talk:
The talk was great, and I may summarize what was shared one day, but first let me share the state I woke in, after writing yesterday’s article:
I was inspired to look again at the Esogetic mapping for the sinuses to the major TCM organs:
My right maxillary sinus was the primary issue (stomach/spleen), although today it shifted left (kidney/bladder).
I applied the general treatment for the maxillary sinuses:
…surprisingly (or not) the reflex points for the maxillary sinuses are at the sacroiliac joint. So my “injury” was not so much that I picked it up from my client (or at least not only, see this post: but also because I was my clients and family ahead of my own needs, so my unresolved sinus issue transferred to my hips, making it painful to walk!
During Covid, my regular dentist wouldn’t see me, because I couldn’t wear a mask to walk through the lobby. By the time I got around to fixing a cavity in one of the top left stomach/spleen teeth, the fix applied killed the nerve in the tooth, and eventually, because I was afraid of experiencing that level of pain again, I had the tooth pulled out, as soon as it started to act up again, causing my youngest grief, because I had to leave her with someone to get it done. You can actually see this lost tooth in the kirlian photo of my left thumb:
…the extended lump in the stomach/spleen area of the upper teeth.
We destroy our stomach/spleen by thinking/worrying too much. Cause is something we do or experience, that puts us in a state of shock/disociation (endocrine insufficiency), trying to move the garbage out (lymphatic), or simply acting like it never happened, which is to make no progress at all (degenerative). This state (the effect) then lands in the body via our major TCM organs (shown here are the elements):
…for me the pathway was via earth (stomach/spleen), overthinking and worry. So I also treated this “function circle” (aka TCM pair) and went about my day.
The problem is, when I arrived at the talk, I was asked what tracks I was playing. I mentioned “tongue wide with white stuff” as one of the tracks, because my tongue is wide with teeth marks on the side, somewhere I read this was about problems with absorption, and I knew there was a risk with the mainstream supplements, that they are too yin and we might not be able to absorb them. I don’t know if my supplements are more yin than they should be because they are stored above where coffee is made, so they may get a bit warm, but my phlegm was looking a bit more yellow since taking them and after 1.5 days (3 doses) I wasn’t getting better.
Enter in the difference between mainstream and RestoreChi supplements. RestoreChi uses TCM pellets with an affinity for each of the TCM major organ pairs (and all day maintenance, whatever that means):
…Master Yan infuses then them to the 1000th dimension. Whenever you see a RestoreChi tracks with AIR in the title, that means Master Yan is taking the organ to a higher dimension to heal it, not only faster than it can be healed in this dimension, but also without it having to expel garbage that others can pick up in this dimension. Mainstream supplements require whatever is stuck in my sinuses/lungs to get strong enough to exit, while RestoreChi supplements simply make the organs strong enough to reject whatever is stuck. We get better, with fewer symptoms.
One of the reasons I mentioned I struggle to get healthy is my pelvic floor was damaged in birthing my first child. I can’t run, jump, cough, or sneeze without the risk of leaking pee. This is related to stomach/spleen, because the spleen is responsible for muscles.
I mention the tongue track above because I was playing it to help absorption, thinking like many do, that this happens in the stomach/spleen, but I was told “no, tongue is heart”.
Actually, tongue communicates many things:
…but they are right, the spleen is responsible for distribution, and the small intestine (which pairs with heart) is responsible for absorption.
I have a weak heart, on my maternal side, so does my son, we have low blood pressure. That’s beside the point. It is common to place a specialty RestoreChi speaker on the heart, because if the heart is good, the blood is good, the brain is good, and nearly everything can clear out.
More on this below, but I placed the specialty speaker over my youngest’s heart, after writing this article, to see if it would help. I don’t know if her heart is weak or strong, but it certainly pounds at times and at others she loses her words and gets very aggressive. I wrote about how we can see aspects of this (her inner felt safety) in her kirlian photo, in my previous article ( Food, drinks, or whatever else she wants not coming fast enough touches upon something inside of her that needs to be resolved/healed. I left her once, to help my husband understand how something would really put our lives at risk, when I was gone, she was left in the coat room to scream, it was worth it, but the price we paid was high.
In my previous article, I also shared that I would not let knowing I can afford more than others can stand in the way of me getting high quality foods, because if I feel well, I can help others, whether they have money or not.
The talk on how to use RestoreChi to support wieghtloss almost turned this on it’s head. My concern for a loss of between felt safety (others judging me) tanked my inner felt safety, when the talk shared that “a plant can thrive destpite being genetically modified, non-organic, in bad quality water” and “we need very little nutrition to survive, because people in Africa with less don’t all die”. A couple of grim statements, but they were intended to shift how we think.
I still shopped at an organic store after the talk (as it’s rare for me to get time to do so without my kids), mindful of the prices, I still wanted to buy certain items, that are supposed to be better for us to eat. I wanted the experience of learning how to eat better (to feel better), regardless of if we need to or not.
The second challenge to my assumption was, with the specialty speakers on, and taking the RestoreChi supplements, I felt better. I abandoned my mainstream supplements, and had celery juice (Medical Medium) and takeout for dinner. I’m not going to be perfect, I’m going to do what’s right for me.
I will try the RestoreChi weight loss methods after I’ve recovered from this cough and sacroiliac pain. One thing at a time. Taking the RestoreChi supplements previously, allowed me to run without peeing myself, and I am peeing myself less when I cough now, my spleen is getting better.
Back to the right (spleen) and left (kidney) maxillary sinus. It’s common for me to get sinus pain that shifts left to right around my period. The talk shared that TCM doesn’t directly talk about hormones, hormones are instead lumped in with the kidney system. Given that I am perimenopausal, and my body is having to adjust to less hormones, it makes sense that my left sinus acts up to let me know what needs further attention. Unless we cut them out or experience extreme stress, our ovaries try to give us plenty to time, to restore our body, before they retire for good. What I should have done with my youngest, if I could have known that she would have let me go.
I decided not to share the weightloss recommendations at this time (although later I wrote them here:
because I am a 1/3 (pronounced “one three”) no motors projector in Human Design, born under the cross of the unexpected, related to caring for others, should I be selfish or selfless.
1/3 implies that my body makes mistakes to learn and my personality investigates deeply.
No motors means: in order to be wise about energy, I have none of my own. This means I have to use my instincts to preserve my energy, sometimes that means cutting corners, or that I can make mistakes (or rather take the wrong path to learn more deeply why it is wrong).
As I mentioned in my previous article, we all want to be right, perfect, flawless, but I have to have grace and openness to when I am wrong.
I also carry a lot of aspects of leadership in my Human Design and Soul Contract. In order to be a leader, we need to be able to make mistakes and authentically be ok with the struggle that ensues. Getting through that struggle and finding peace, shows others they can too.
I still don’t like that I can both have more than others and have tools that say I don’t need more but I still want what I can have access to.
Many of my friends and clients share that they can’t afford … what may be touched in me when this happens is that my father came to this country poor enough to have to kick over garbage cans to look for food. My mom also hated that my dad bought us so many things, but I knew he bought us these things because it was the only way he knew how to show us love, although what I liked most about him was his silliness when he played with us. I don’t remember my mom ever playing with us, though she did compete to win, she was always a child. She kept us in an abusive situation for years over money, and then blamed me for losing her money when I outed the abuse to get us free. As a result, my relationship with money is weird.
A nice thing about Esogetic Medicine, is it resolves these types of things, often without words. Options we couldn’t see before, because unresolved conflict was blocking the way, become available to us.
I may not need what I want to work with, but I can afford it and I want to work with it, and it’s nice to I also have a fall back that I can use if the path I take fails, and that others can use too.
An investigator doesn’t settle for less because others have less, a martyr does. My body is a martyr, but my mind is an investigator, that’s what the 1/3 profile means. This is how I gain outer felt safety, as well as in between, by knowing who I am.
Finally, as promised, the heart. My sweet youngest struggled at karate yesterday. She has been doing so well, but yesterday it was too many students, too many helpers, none of her favorites, her sensei couldn’t see her hand was raised, offering to do something she’s usually too shy to do (count in Japanese), she even apologized to me for her behavior (hiding inside me and demanding I find her between felt safety again). Because I know what is in her kirlian photo, I know how to put words to what is going on with her inner felt safety (reassuring her that she has between felt safety, I see her and I will help her).
Her sensei also found a way to bring her back into between felt safety. He excluded her from the partner work, even though she took this personally, because she doesn’t like to be restrained by anyone other than me or her trusted helpers, and he worked with her one on one, with my support, also drawing in her stuffed animal (which she showed him over her shoulder as she hid the rest of her body in the corner of the room. Sensei asked if he could teach her how to teach her stuffed animal self defense. She did great, and I will get on those Esogetic Treatments to help her clear the debris from the holidays. So she can feel safe inside, outside, and between. And me as well, since the state of our nervous system is contagious.
The sorting continues (we are all a work in progress):
I wish more people had access to what I have access to, not because I want their money. Money is not the barrier for working with me, the barrier is people’s willingness to put themselves first (how much is that tooth gonna hurt before action is taken, and at what cost, see above), and the limited time I have to convince them, because my family and health still need me. As a projector, my job is not to convince, but to be recognized and invited. I am happy with where we are at, are you?