Below are my summaries for the following talks:
My summary for the first talk in the series can be found here:
Many people will apply ice to pain, to encourage circulation, but it is far better to try to maintain a balance between Yin and Yang.
Angela shared that "like a heart attack, back pain is earned" meaning that it does not appear overnight, it develops over time, and there were several warnings (cries for help) from your body, before the pain set in.
A simple thought can throw us out of balance, and this can affect all our major organs, preventing them from doing their job, to detox and circulate energy/nutrients.
The following RestoreChi tracks can be helpful:
Liver Detox (for tendons and detox)
Heart conditioning (for circulation)
Spleen dampness (for circulation, detox, and muscle)
Pain happens when the organs are in such bad shape that they start to impact the meridians (highways). This is a simplified version of the 8 stages of illness:

Pain is worse in the cold, because cold prevents happy circulation, which is needed for the meridians to work efficiently.
Every block (or weak spot) demands more supply and this is how things get stuck. Acupuncture can be good at removing pain and stuckness, because it clears the meridian, but it does not address root cause (the organs, which are very susceptible yin-yang imbalance).
Dowager's hump (connected with a hunched posture) is the result of a lot of chill at the top of the spine. This RestoreChi track can be helpful:

Sciatica, which some describe as an inability to walk right away after standing up, needing the body to reset first, also has a RestoreChi track.
However, we can also take into consideration the meridians that run down the inside and outside of the legs (knowing that there are RestoreChi tracks for each of these major organs as well):

When it comes to the back, we also have to consider the bladder meridian, which has two tracks on either side of the spine (image shows labels only on one side, but they apply to both sides):

And this is the Esogetic Medicine perspective:

Pain, like skin problems (which I will address below), is generally the result of an abuse from chill. The body feels hot because the engine has no coolant. Circulation fails because water that usually rises as stem has turned to ice. Steam keeps the heart (hot engine) from overheating, without this, circulation of energy and nutrients is impaired. Meridians that cannot communicate (due to lack of circulation) become gunked up. The following RestoreChi tracks can be helpful:
fire water balance
chill release
bladder chill
uterus chill
full healing (which clears all 12 meridians)
central governing
A study that Master Yan (founder of RestoreChi) was involved in, included improvement in low body temperature, as a marker to see if patients with cancer (no longer responsive to mainstream medicine) were improving with Master Yan's treatment.
The following RestoreChi tracks are also helpful for pain:
lower back pain with clearing bladder meridian
arthritis hands and feet
spinal bone stretch
lower back spine, slipped disc (which addresses chill in gas form)
trigeminal nerve
frozen shoulder
leg knee foot pain
tennis elbow
hyperplasia of the breast
and more
Onto skin conditions, which are related to issues with the lungs.
Asthma is too much water, not enough fire, drowning, while Pneumonia is too much fire, needing water to balance it out. RestoreChi has a track for each of these. While asthma should be connected to loose stool and pneumonia should be connected to dry stool (or constipation) this is not what most people are willing to report. Slimy/mucus stool (in case you ever need to know) tends to be connected to eating cold foods/drinks, which gunks up the spleen with dampness.
Red skin is the result of fire, with the root cause being too much chill. As mentioned above, chill prevents circulation, so the fire cannot be cooled down. As backwards as it may seem, the fire in the heart is meant cool all of the organs.
Skin conditions (like psoriasis and eczema) are not opposite sides of the spectrum, as mainstream suggests, but rather, they are both manifestation on the outside, because problems on the inside are overflowing.
Angela also touched on the seasons associated with the major TCM organ pairs and the way in which the major organ pairs are meant to support each other. The following RestoreChi track helps with this (but it is better to fix the organs first, before you try to connect them in the right direction):
Reconnect 5 organs
She shared the paragraph above, so she could demonstrate what happens if the mother organ is weak: the child can become more demanding. So, if the (mother) lung is weak, the (child) kidney will become more susceptible to fear. A weak kidney can't do its job of cooling the heart. While this RestoreChi track exists, it wasn't mentioned, likely because, in this case, chill needs to be cleared before we try to boost kidney function:
Kidney enhance
I can appreciate, that if you are new to TCM concepts, this can be quite confusing, but we can help.
For sense of completion, allergies are more an issue of the liver not being able to clear out toxins. See the explanation for the Allergy track (the second track that Master Yan released):

Tracks that were released earlier have a description available on the RestoreChi site, as to HOW it works. But tracks released more recently do not, as Master Yan only added them to support his clients. He has to keep moving forward in his quest to heal and doesn't always have the time to explain how everything works.
For example, the Lupus track tells us WHAT lupus is, but not how the RestoreChi healing track works:

To hear about someone who Master Yan has cleared of Lupus, check out:
And for more on the relationship between the organ pairs, see:
Remember that it is all connected: lungs, skin, nose, and rough elbows.
The back of the upper legs, collecting chill from cold car seats, putting chill in the bladder, tightening the muscles, and resulting in a frequent need to pee (especially noticeable in the night), with very little urine coming out.
Cough and colds that we see so much during flu season, are just the body trying to eject chill. Energy Medicine, like RestoreChi, clears the chill that western medicine is unable to address.
In sum, all of these issues are too much fire as a result of too much chill, because ice prevents needed circulation.
It's a shame that so many people are missing these talks, which is why I have summarized them here for you.
For those who miss the last talk in this series: can always text Angela (at 289-888-2710), as she is willing to arrange a time to show you how RestoreChi specialty speakers and supplements can help people get their blood sugar down to touch the accepted green zone. She will also educate you on the key aspects of diabetes, that mainstream medicine does not yet understand. For example, almost everyone who ends up with diabetes, had a heart condition first.
If anything above speaks to you, I hope you will reach out to learn how you can support yourself and the health of your loved ones.