My previous article ( referred to listening to a podcast series on the various aspects of felt safety:
I began to listen to this series because the podcast I wanted to listen to wasn't working. And as I listened, I could relate to a lack of inside felt safety, because my focus on helping others and trying to understand perimenopause, to help keep a cancer risk at bay, resulted in me not fully clearing my cough or sacroiliac stiffness/pain, before having to take my youngest back to school. Given the state of my health and the risk to further injury, I didn’t feel good about having to spend the day away from home and out in the cold.
However, watching my youngest enjoy time with her friends, and experience that she is capable of attending school:
…plus losing myself in the book, while sitting in my warm car, with my youngest not needing me for a full hour, I started to feel better, more inside felt safety.
This came crashing down, after writing yesterday’s article, and attending this talk:
The talk was great, and I summarized it here, but first let me share the state that I woke in, after writing yesterday’s article:
I was inspired to look again at the Esogetic mapping for the sinuses to the major TCM organ pairs:

My right maxillary sinus was the primary issue (stomach/spleen), although today it shifted left (kidney/bladder).
I applied the general treatment for the maxillary sinuses:

…and realized the reflex points for the maxillary sinuses are at the sacroiliac joint. So my “injury” was not so much that I picked it up from my client (or at least not only, see this post: but also, because I put my clients and family ahead of my own needs, so my unresolved sinus issues transferred to my sacroiliac joint, making it painful to walk!
During Covid, my regular dentist wouldn’t see me, because I couldn’t wear a mask to walk through the lobby. By the time I got an appointment to fix a cavity in one of the top left stomach/spleen teeth, they had to drill so deep, that they ended up killing the nerve, causing severe facial nerve pain, so I removed the tooth.
Interestingly, you can actually see this lost tooth in the kirlian photo of my left thumb:
…the extended lump (in the bottom left corner) is in the stomach/spleen area for the upper (left) teeth.
We destroy our stomach/spleen by thinking/worrying too much.
The RestoreChi talk rattled me, because it put into question not only my understanding of how things work, but also the choices that I wanted to make, even if I didn’t have to. My fear of being judged (between felt safety) tanked my inner felt safety.
I am a 1/3 (pronounced “one three”) no motors projector in Human Design, with a lot of leadership aspects in my Soul Contract and Human Design. This means that I have limited energy, I am going to make mistakes and, to be a leader, I need to work through these difficult emotions, so others can see that they can too.
I may not need what I want to work with, but that doesn’t mean I am not entitled to play and see what works for me.
An investigator doesn’t settle for less, a martyr does. My body is a martyr, but my mind is an investigator, this is what the 1/3 profile means. I gain outer felt safety (which can be extended to between felt safety) by knowing (and accepting) who I am.
I wish more people had access to what I have access to, not because I want their money. Money is not the barrier for working with me. The barrier is people being willing to put themselves first, and the limited time that I have to convince them, because my family and health still need me. My job is not to convince others to work with me, but to work on a system that is complex enough, that others will recognize that I have something of value to offer. And, when they are ready, they will invite me.
I wish you an abundance of inside, outside, and between felt safety. We all deserve to feel good about who we are!