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A bit of adult coloring…

Writer's picture: Alahnnaa CampbellAlahnnaa Campbell

Updated: Jun 16, 2024

If I met you at an event, and gave you a colouring sheet for you to complete, you can email me at with the name, birth date, place of birth, and photo (with address, if applicable) for the person/situation that you want to inquire about. If you have a specific question, send it, otherwise I will ask "what is it that you need to know (about whatever it is that you send me information about)". Then you can look at the results, fill in your colouring sheet, and let me know if you want me to also send correcting information (which is to reinforce the "desired states" from the report, see below) to the energy field that you inquired about. The intention for this exercise, is to give you an experience of how working with the information field can be useful, see here for more: The trauma of not being seen, and the layers of my services, mapped onto the levels of the brain (

If looking at how I used the colouring sheets in the images below leaves you puzzled on how to use your colouring sheet, don't worry about it. The process still works if you just read the report and approve the correction to be sent to whomever or whatever you were asking about.

Here are some tips for reading the report:

Where you see "Rigor" it means this chakra is more rigid than it should be for healthy communication (if you instead see "Chaos" in the spot where you see "Rigor" in the image below, this means the chakra is in too much chaos to receive healthy communication/guidance):

Where you see "D 1E6" in the image below, this is what you can look up in the table provided on your colouring sheet (also below) to see where the issue is coming from. I personally am only interested in things that show up in the bottom section of the table (karmic, parental, grandparents, ancestors), but in the beginning I did look to see if it was wrong acting, wrong thinking, wrong lifestyle / mistrust of life, or a life theme, at the physical, emotional, or spiritual level, see table below.

Again, I reiterate, if transferring the information from the intro (which 3 chakras are most out of alignment, in rigor or chaos), header (what category it falls into using the table above), and present state and colour ("present state description", is it the right colour for the chakras in question, or is the person/situation taking in information using the wrong lens/colour, i.e., if the heart chakras is shining in the colour red, the person/situation is taking information into their heart from a skewed perception of safety) of the report, to your colouring sheet, doesn't help you absorb this information more fully, don't do it.

This is how the process went for me, looking at where my chakras were out of balance, integrating and pondering how I can course correct, using the Healy, Esogetic Medicine, RestoreChi, life/perspective changes, and more...

I was also given these Gene Keys to ponder (see below for a link to learn more about what can be assessed using the Information Field):

I am still processing the first two.

And, prior to this, I was blown away by what the Information Field had to say about our child, partially captured here:

Then, even more astounded by its interpretation of the public school system:

However, as always, when we focus our attention to healing others, we realize that we ourselves need some healing too (aka. are not perfect either). And the scan of our family/home was also very accurate:

Even if I don’t vibrate correcting information to each of these targets as often as called for, the awareness of these issues, and the willingness to approach everything as being in the process of healing or course correction, I think can only ever lead to a better outcome.

We all want to be understood and accepted for where we are at, and appreciated for our efforts. Elemental Magic and Divine Healing may be helpful here too!

For links to other things that can be done with the Information Field, please visit my Healy page.




© 2025 by Alahnnaa Campbell.

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