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Alahnnaa Campbell

How to parent with true Acceptance, Love, and Power

We live in a society that makes parents feel like if they don't do X, they are doing it wrong, and damaging their child for life. Here's another perspective...

Photo by Ketan Rajput on Unsplash

Even though I wrote this article "Parents - We are perfect for our kids! Lets cut ourselves some slack!", and I believe 100% that we are perfect for our kids (they chose us as their parents for a reason), I think it is also true that none of us are perfect.

Life is a journey, and parenting is a journey.

Here is one way to see how you are doing:

(I use this table a lot in my writings, because I feel it is so important!)

Map of Consciousness - Power vs Force

Power vs Force - by Dr David R Hawkins MD PhD

Take a look at the chart above, look at the Level and the Emotion columns.

What kind of parenting strategies are you using?

Is it mostly Shame, Guilt, and Fear? Notice how Anger is actually higher up on the scale than the lower tactics of Shame, Guilt, and Fear. Which to me says, it is better to tell your child that you are feeling angry or frustrated and take a break, than it is to use Guilt, Shame, or Fear tactics on them to try to get compliance.

I actually prefer this book by Dr David R Hawkins "Transcending the levels of consciousness" because it gives you a very good sense of where you are at and where another person is at, and what it takes to raise yourself to the next level. The Power vs Force book is more academic and proof of concept, which is good for those who need that level of proof and research before getting into something, but for others it can be a limiting barrier, if that is not your reading or learning style - i.e., some people just want to get into the application and jump to the part that is relevant for them at this time.

Why do I bring all this up, given the work that I do?

Well, you may ask yourself: How can I parent using the higher principles of Acceptance, Peace, Love, Joy, Neutrality, when our society is so focused on Fear, Guilt, Shame, Desire, and Pride?

The way you do this is by actually knowing who you are parenting.

By looking at your child's Soul Contract, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Astrology, you can see how they are built and what is likely to be in store for them in life. You can also use Divine Healing to release your own limiting beliefs, and clear whatever may be disturbing your child's ability to shine.

The standard school and parenting routine is there because people do not know that everyone is different, and are going to be ok, if they are allowed to be themselves. So, they try to make everyone the same, good at everything, and then they shame them (or fail them) when they are not.

This to me, is terrible, because I can clearly see how amazing all these kids really are. Some may fit the mold of going to school very well, and some may not. And when you know how they are built, you can accept and parent them with a lot more Peace, Love and Neutrality, because you will see their strengths shine through all the time, so there will be no need to buy into the societal fear of "If you don't do X your kid is going to end up in a bad spot." Its simply not true, at least not for me, or my kids.

Knowing how my kids are built, and how I am built, gives me the confidence not to conform or buy into Fear.

Are you interested in this level of Freedom and Joy for your family?

Feel free to reach out for a FREE, no obligation, 15min consultation, if you have questions or want to learn more.

If you took the time to read this article, I can assure you, no one is better at raising your child than you! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

No one is better at raising your child, than you!

No one is better at raising your child, than you!

Love and Blessings,

Alahnnaa Campbell

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