Why settle for blanket advice?
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Know yourself Know your kids Flow with Life
Overcoming Learning Disabilities
I am not a fan of the term Learning Disability. I think we all have ways in which we learn best, and accommodations can make a huge difference in how well we do in school. But, it is not that people who learn in a traditional way are "normal" and the rest are "disabled", I think we are simply different.
I don't think kids should need an official diagnosis to be treated with respect, and to be allowed to process their stresses before they are asked to integrate something new. I think they should have some say in what it is they want to learn and what skills they want to build and how. Learning is far too important and enjoyable to make kids hate the process! I actually think that sometimes a learning disability is protection, from having information that does not align with our truth, forced upon us, as if it were true.
In Human Design and Soul Contract you can see ways in which people are uniquely designed to learn. Through their Gene Keys you can see what they need, and are wrestling with, at each stage of their life.
If you are going to go through the process of labeling your child with a learning disability, maybe you want to also consider seeing what they are going through from a more positive perspective.
Take the accommodations, if they help. But also look at their unique design. You may discover that advocating for their needs from both perspectives actually brings a more complete, well rounded, healthier, and positive picture to the table. Which will also support your child (or yourself) to feel good about who you/they are.
For example, for me, the accommodations were great to get information in and to understand what people were really asking of me. But the bigger piece of the puzzle was to understand who I am, how I work, and to accept myself. It is OK if I am not interested in certain topics, because they do not feel like my truth, and they are not relevant to me.
We need to stop assuming we are all supposed to be the same and that if we push hard enough, we can all fill the same role. We are not. We are so unique, we learn differently, we hit maturity points at different times in our life, and if we are allowed to be ourselves, we will compliment each other beautifully, and create a much more functioning whole, than all of us trying to be the same.
I say it again and again, we are not meant to be the same. We do not learn the same, we do not have the same truths, we do not have the same destiny. Before you are tempted to identify a disorder in your child (or yourself) why not take a look at your child (and yourself) from the perspective of who you really are, what you really need, what are you here to do. If after that you want to label someone as learning disabled, ok. But, sometimes the square peg doesn't fit into the round hole because it was never meant to.
If this is something you would like to explore further, go here to book a free no obligation 15min consultation.