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Energy Awareness


This modality was originally intended to support youths who engage in self-harm (see "How to support your child if they are engaging in self-harm").


So far this modality has been applied to support:

- a mother who was engaging in self-harm, and

- a woman who has never been able to feel grounded in her body, despite working with many practitioners and trying multiple modalities and tools


Both of the women above, after participating in this personalized Energy Awareness training, have been able to step into their power (within days or weeks of training), and take immediate action to outline how they plan to give back to society, using their unique gifts, which, before this training, seemed like something far off in the distance for them.


We also envision parents of teens using this modality to create a loving energy in their home, where, even if their teens are not directly asking for help or support, home can still feel like a soft and loving space for them to return to.

For an example of some parents who might like to learn how to support their kids, or loved ones, from a distance, as they are not asking for support, see: The Lesson of the "Mother's Wound".


I use this method all the time to support my children and family, and to support a more loving relationship between myself and my kids' school. 


If this is something you feel you can benefit from, please get in touch and we will design a program to meet your unique needs.

"The Energy Awareness training (and follow-up support) that I received from Alahnnaa and her collaborative team has benefited me greatly!
I have suffered with mental illnesses for the majority of my life, so I was very open to trying this new (to me) modality.
In the past I have used self-harm to cope with my mental struggles, but I have not turned to self-harm at all since receiving training in Energy Awareness.
I have used the skills that I learned from Alahnnaa and her team, to work through any mental anguish I have experienced since the training. It is great to have gained skills that I can use to cope in a healthy manner.
I highly recommend this modality to anyone who is struggling."


"I can honestly say that this training helped me move mountains!!!! It showed me things and taught me things I've been desperately searching for. I landed that day, and I am forever grateful for that!"


© 2024 by Alahnnaa Campbell.

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